Condition research of the stromal cell constituent in subcutaneous adipose tissue during therapy with a non-invasive Beautylizer Therapy Cosmospheres medical massage device
Svetlana Pervykh, M.D.
Histologist, ophthalmologist
RSL sculpting is a necessary and justified stage in the cellulite correction procedure.
Svetlana Zhaboeva M.D.
professor. Honored. Head of “SL Clinic” Kazan, Russia
Sucursales: EE.UU.
Astralumis LLC
7201 W Palmetto Park Rd
Boca Ratón Florida, FL33433
TEL: +1 768 513 4589
Riga , Letonia . Pernavas 2 LV1012
+371 29115005
Headqarter: Beautylizer Aesthetic Medical Equipment Trading LLC, Dubai, PO Box 21495
Sucursales: EE.UU.
Astralumis LLC
7201 W Palmetto Park Rd
Boca Ratón Florida, FL33433
TEL: +1 768 513 4589
Riga , Letonia . Pernavas 2 LV1012
+371 29115005
Headqarter: Beautylizer Aesthetic Medical Equipment Trading LLC, Dubai, PO Box 21495
Sucursales: EE.UU.
Astralumis LLC
7201 W Palmetto Park Rd
Boca Ratón Florida, FL33433
TEL: +1 768 513 4589
Riga , Letonia . Pernavas 2 LV1012
+371 29115005
Headqarter: Beautylizer Aesthetic Medical Equipment Trading LLC, Dubai, PO Box 21495